Welcome To Sunday Hash – Singapore!

Welcome to the hash that you don’t have to sneak off from work to attend. Not to mention the cheapest in Singapore! Our runs start at 5.00 pm sharp, every alternate Sunday. So get there early to mingle and network!

Incorporated as a society in April 2002, we are known as Singapore Sunday Hash House Harriers. We have been running on alternate Sundays since February 1994 – when we were known as the Sunday Singles Hash House Harriers (some marriages forced a later change of name). The founding fathers are Banjo, Barf Balls, Bobbit, and Virginia Slim. On 28th July 2001 we celebrated our 200th run; on 11th June 2005 our 300th run; on 28th March 2009 our 400th run; and on 8th December 2012 our 500th run.

We also hold an annual ‘event’ run, the (in)famous Singapore Red Dress Run in September or thereabouts.

This is a mixed hash, i.e. any and all sexes are welcome. No sex in the circle, though. No, you do not have to be very fit to go hashing: hashers’ ages range from 18 to 118 (anyone of legal drinking age), and fitness levels vary from walkers through to hardened athletes. Cameras are accepted on this hash, unlike many others.

Total membership stands wobbly depending on the quantity of beer and wine drunk in the circle. Soft drinks are also available for the abstemious. After all, the hash is known as a drinking club with a running problem…

What is a Hash?

A hash is a running activity that is a mixture of cross-country running and a treasure hunt. A trail is laid by the hares yesterday or 5 minutes ago! The trail is not necessarily continuous and has a good mixture of challenging terrain, and false and missing trails thrown in. The pack or the harriers meet at an appointed time and then run the trail from the start to the finish.

By teamwork, otherwise known as luck, the harriers will try to make some sense out of the hares’ handiwork. The Singapore Sunday Hash House Harriers (S2H3) runs start at exactly 5.00pm. It is highly advisable to arrive early to change, stow your gear and warm up. S2H3 runs are typically about 1 hour in length.

The terrain covered varies from really swampy to swanky city runs. Hence it is a good idea to read “What to bring to the hash”.

After the run, we assemble in ‘circle’ to re-live the run and have a few drinks. Then we continue with food, usually at a nearby foodcourt, and more drinks.

So you want to try it out?

We welcome new guests! Just come along as a guest for one or two runs and, if you like it you are welcome to join up. You do not need to ask for permission or for an invitation. We normally announce the details of the run, including a Google Maps location, on this website by the Friday before the run.